Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One Piece of the Puzzle...

There are so many desperate issues pulling this world down. One cannot pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV or check email without hearing of a new tragedy, or a reminder of one that has gotten worse. Celebrities are begging you to get involved... and sometimes it seems like the cool thing to do more than the right thing to do. I mean, who can resist Bono or Angelina?

So many pieces to this puzzle. How does a person make up their mind as to which pieces to work with?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Let's Birth This Baby!

We've been nurturing and caring for the new venture in its embryonic stage for awhile now, and we're almost ready to birth this baby!
We sent out a philanthropic investment proposal to one prospective investor and are waiting for their response. This will be the seed funding we need produce a fully developed Business & Strategic Plan and Plan of Action.
Are we nervous? You bet! Like a first-time expectant dad! Not nervous about the future of the venture, but more about the actual birth day. Like bringing your brand new baby home from the hospital the first day, we've been planning for this for months. But when the actual day arrives,

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Starting Up the Start-Up

Do you know who Kim Linehan is? Well, back in 1981 she held the world record in the Women's 1500-meter freestyle. According to her coach, Paul Bergen, the then-18-year-old was the leading amateur woman distance swimmer in the world. "Kim does endless exercises and swims 7 to 12 miles a day. The hardest part of her regimen? 'Getting in the water,' she says."

Starting up a new venture is a lot like that. Whether it's a brand new venture being pulled out of the ground for the first time by its creators; or (like us) a new venture of an already-established organization. I'm not sure which is more difficult,